Neighborhood Watch Bulletin Board
"We Watch Out For Each Other"
Suspicious Man in Highlands
Caught on Camera Trespassing
-Article by David Arvizu
Oct. 3th, 2024:
On Thursday morning around 8:30 am, this video was captured on a homeowner's security camera on the 1700 block of Elevado. The man can be seen approaching the property from the north and walking up the driveway. The suspect is out of view of the camera for nearly a full minute before walking back down the driveway and heading north again. What the video doesn't show is the vehicle that he was driving. Fortunately, the quick-thinking owner was able to catch a glance of the suspect as he drove away.
"It looked like an older model white van, like a utility van, but with a longer front end," stated the witness who did not want to be identified.
The suspect did not take anything from the property, but it appears that he spent nearly a full minute out of the view of the camera, possibly trying to figure a way into the back yard of the homeowner before giving up and turning back. The second video shows him leaving the property and going back to his vehicle (which is not seen on video). An example of what the vehicle looked like is shown below, but it should be emphasized that this is not an actual photo.

The suspect in described as a white male, approx. 60 years old with gray hair. Height and weight appear to be about average. Detailed images of the suspect reveal that he is wearing tan khaki shorts, brown hiking shoes with brown socks. Also, he is seen in a white T-shirt with lettering that says, "Green Oak Ranch" with a logo of an oak tree. Green Oak Ranch is a Christian Drug Recovery Center in Vista, CA.
Be on the look-out for this person. If you see him in the neighborhood, call the police immediately at (626) 574-5123.

Another Hidden Camera Found
Sharp-eyed Block Captain Spots Device
-Article by David Arvizu
Oct. 8th, 2024:
While on a morning walk with his dog, “Cowboy”, Block Captain Chris Seymour’s attention was drawn to a group of bushes near the northwest corner of Highland Oaks and Virginia Drive.
“Cowboy kept sniffing at the bushes and wanting to look inside”, says Seymour. When he checked to see what Cowboy was so interested in, he was shocked to discover what he found. Hidden within the branches of some low lying bushes was a camouflaged surveillance camera.

“At first it looked like some trash had been thrown in the bushes, but when I turned it over and saw the camera lens, I knew exactly what it was”.
Seymour immediately called the Arcadia Police Department. Police recovered the camera as part of their investigation. Currently there is no information on who placed the camera in the bushes.
Seymour adds, “Be on the lookout, look around, now that we are aware that these things are hidden in the bushes”.
This is the second hidden camera that has been found in recent weeks.
As residents of The Highlands, whenever you go out for a walk, be aware of your surroundings.